Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Flowerhorn grooming question and answer

1. What is the most ideal pH level required ?
The ideal pH level in the water required should be around pH 7 to pH 7.8.

2. Why does the protruding forehead of my fish shrink after each water change ?
It is a normal reaction to the changes of the water quality. The fish will return to its old self in a couple of days.

3. Why is the forehead (nuchal hump or kok) of my fish small ?
There are a few reasons to this. Please check on the pH level of the water. Check the sex of the fish. Another reason can be the strain of this particular breed do not have a big protruding forehead.

4. Why is the color of my flower horn dull ?
Again, check the pH level of the water. It can also be the breed of this strain does not produce striking colors.

5. How can I tell if the fish is sick ?
First of all, the fish will have no appetite. Secondly, the color of the fish is pale or has a very dark color on its body. Being inactive is also another sign that the fish is not feeling well.

6. Is there any preventive measures to ensure that the fish is healthy ?
Please check on the food that it consumes. This refers to live fish food, as sometimes the food might be contaminated. The environment of the fish is as important. Please ensure that the water temperature and water quality is at the optimum. Or else, please go ahead and change the aquarium water.

7. Do we need to keep the aquarium lighted the whole time ?
It is better to turn off the lights at night as this will create a better environment for the fish to rest.

8. Will the fish die if it is not fed for two to three days ?
Do not worry, as the fish will lasts for week without feeding. Do not stock the aquarium with one week's supply of food. Just ensure that the water quality is good.

9. Why does the fish jump ?
It could be some insects flying on the surface of the aquarium. Another reason is that water quality in the aquarium is not suitable.

10. What is the most ideal water temperature ?
The range should be between 27 °C to 32°C.

11. Can I rear this fish in a temperate / colder climate ?
Most definitely. You are only required to add a water heater.

12. Why does my newly bought fish not lively and very timid ?
It is actually a normal reaction. Once the fish gets adjusted to its new environment, it will be back to its aggressive self. During this period of time, feed the fish sparingly as there will be a loss of appetite as well. ]

13. How long does it take for my fish to get use to its new environment ?
It will normally take between one to two weeks.

14. Is the fish feed a better choice ?
Just make sure that the content of the feed is 100 % natural, and contains high protein. Besides, it is much cost effective that to feed live feed as it might cause disease.

15. How frequent do I feed the fish ?
Feeding basically depends on the lifestyle of its respective owners. Ideally, the fish should be fed at least twice a day and make sure that the fish is full after each feeding. Again, this depends on the owner of the fish. Some claimed that their fish are fed three to four times a day.

16. How can I tell the sex of this fish ?
The most accurate way is look at the anal pore of the fish. The male fish has a V-shaped anal pore. As for the female, it will have a U - shaped anal pore. Generally, it will be easier to identify the sex of the fish when it is around 4 inches in length. 

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